Nurses Group Activity Report 2020
EBMT Nurses Group (NG) is committed to patient care through education, research and international network collaboration.
The EBMT NG is one of the leading groups in the field of haematology and HSCT nursing. It is dedicated to improving the care of patients receiving HSCT and promoting excellence in and through evidence-based practice. The NG’s mission is to enhance and value the nursing role all over the world, supporting and sharing knowledge through communication, advocacy, research, training and education.

Working Party Nurses
This role is now firmly established as a valuable resource in each of the medical working parties. The goal to develop collaborative nursing/medical projects for patient benefit continues to develop at pace. The roles have begun to adapt to the needs of the WP with many nurses taking more responsibility for education. There have been 2 papers published by the PDWP with nursing input this year. There is currently 1 nurse vacancy in the inborn errors WP.
We have had four publications this year and there are several projects currently recruiting or about to be launched by the EBMT nurses research committee, please complete nursing surveys when received by mailshot.
Nursing Education
COVID-19 Webinars
The EBMT nurses group produced 2 webinars in the summer, one looking at the psychological impact of COVID-19 on nurses and the other on palliative care guidance for patients with severe COVID-19. Both webinars were collaborative projects with input from a psychologist and palliative care consultant. These were valuable hints and tips that were shared at a time of crisis with nurses across EBMT. The talks remain available on the website, please access them.
Preparation of the e-textbook for nurses
The NG has transformed the Transplantation Textbook for Nurses into an e-learning program. This will be available on the e-learning platform of the EBMT website. It is free to access, but will require an on-line registration so that a certificate of completeness can be generated. At the end of each chapter there will be a short quiz of 10 questions. Upon successful completion of the quiz, you will be awarded a certificate that can be used as part of your portfolio of evidence of education for JACIE. We hope that this valuable resource will continue to educate nurses in transplantation.
Nursing Education Events
2nd European EHA/EBMT CAR-T Meeting
The last face to face meeting for the NG was in Sitges, Spain in January 2020. There was a whole day dedicated to nurses. The program was broad and began with some basic science and then worked through real world experiences and guidelines. The afternoon was a panel discussion and meet the expert with Q+A in a rotational round table format. Something new and those that attended found this of great benefit being able to sit with an expert and ask the basic questions about CAR-T.
Midterm Focus Meeting on Non-Malignant Disease
This new meeting saw the Paediatric, Inborn Errors and Severe Aplastic Anaemia working parties join together to present a 3 day meeting from 8th to 10th July. The nurses group had 3 half day sessions that complemented the main program. The feedback was good and was a success with nurses from across Europe virtually attending.
View the event page.
Annual Meeting (36th Nurses Group)
The nurses and allied health care professions programme at the Virtual EBMT 2020 was a great success from the first session on Saturday 29th August through to Tuesday 1st September and was our 36th nurses meeting. It has been well documented how difficult this year has been in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and I would like to personally thank all the nurse group committee members for their hard work in re-writing a whole program and then delivering it using new technologies that we are all now becoming more familiar with. The program was shortened but still delivered high quality talks on relevant topics, including the impact of COVID-19 on patients and staff.
12th International Nurses training Day and 4th Research Nurses day
Annually EBMT NG provides an autumn education meeting. October 8th and 9th saw the 12th training day and the 4th research day. This year as with all other meetings we transformed to a virtual platform. The 12th training day saw 92 nurses from across Europe join together on-line to learn. As usual we offer a wide spread of topics, with talks on sibling donors, infection control and GvHD to name a few that were on offer, this was another stimulating and thought provoking programme.
The second day saw the 4th research day, where 75 attendees tuned in to hear presentations on research aimed specifically at nurses. The day began with a new approach and a Meet the Expert for breakfast session. The research committee are committed to sharing their vast wealth of knowledge on how to…. The sessions covered statistics, applying for grants, writing a proposal and a general research Q+A. All aimed to help nurses turn an idea into a reality.
5th International Transplant Course
The final meeting of the year 4th to 6th November was the International Transplant Course, also a virtual program which had 83 people on line. As with the other virtual meetings throughout the year feedback was good and delegates were happy with the content but are craving the opportunity to have a face to face meeting.
Global Educational Committee
The Global Educational Committee has been extremely active in the virtual world this year. Following on from the LABMT meeting in 2019 with a series of webinars delivered in Spanish in conjunction with members from South America, these are being translated into English and are available on the EBMT website.