We understand that many of you are interested in contributing to the public consultation process for the 9th Edition of FACT-JACIE Standards. We estimated that this consultation would start end of June 2024, but this was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. We are now expecting for the public consultation to commence in mid-September 2024. We encourage feedback from all individuals, national transplant societies, and stakeholders within the field of Cellular Therapy.
It is important to note that the consultation is requested on the FACT-JACIE Standards only. The Standards Manual, which provides detailed explanations, evidence, and examples for centres and inspectors, will be developed in parallel and published after the Standards have been finalised. JACIE will be running webinars during the consultation period to discuss some of the key changes.
As previously communicated all feedback will be thoroughly reviewed by the Standards Steering Committee. For the first time, in an effort to enhance transparency, the Steering Committee will publish both the comments received and the rationale for either amending the Standards or maintaining the original text based on the consultation.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the members of the Sub-Committees and the Steering Committee for their hard work and ongoing commitment to the Standards development process.
For any questions regarding the Standards development or the consultation process, please contact us at jacie@ebmt.org.