EBMT research aims to further the knowledge base in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cell therapy with the ultimate goal of improving patient care. The EBMT coordinates its scientific activities through 11 Working Parties and the Nurses Group. Since 1974, the use of EBMT data and statistical resources has resulted in hundreds of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
EBMT Studies
Learn about EBMT's ongoing research in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation and find out more about the types of studies we undertake and how to submit proposals.
EBMT Publications
Members receive information about co-operative studies and results of EBMT research projects and have access to the EBMT Registry
More informationResearch Groups
The EBMT coordinates its scientific activities through 11 Working Parties, which are either disease-based or transversal, and the EBMT Nurses' Research Group. Learn more about the foci of and research carried out by each of these groups on the pages below.
Research Grants & fellowships
The EBMT offers grants and fellowships to research projects.