Autoimmune Diseases Working Party (ADWP)
Study type:
Study number:
Type of treatment:
Auto immune disorders
Short title:
Primary objective:
Provide data about safety and efficacy of HD-Cyclophosphamide/ATG vs BEAM/ATG conditioning regimens in severe Multiple Sclerosis
Key inclusion criteria:
• Diagnosis of MS according to the 2010 revised McDonald’s criteria
• Availability of a detailed MS clinical history, including disability progression and relapse rate in the 2 years before the HSCT
• Availability of information about previous DMAs administered
• Patients aged 18 or more at time of transplant
• First aHSCT
• Availability of a clinical follow-up, including regular neurological assessment and MRI scans.
• Availability of a detailed MS clinical history, including disability progression and relapse rate in the 2 years before the HSCT
• Availability of information about previous DMAs administered
• Patients aged 18 or more at time of transplant
• First aHSCT
• Availability of a clinical follow-up, including regular neurological assessment and MRI scans.
Principal investigator:
Riccardo Saccardi
EBMT Study coordinator:
Manuela Badoglio
Study coordinator email: