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CMWP Scientific & Educational Meeting

General Information

The Chronic Malignancies Working Party (CMWP) is happy to announce our first 2021 Scientific and Educational meeting which will be held online on Friday, January 29th, and Saturday, January 30th.

We are changing the format this year. For the first time, all are welcome to attend the Friday scientific meeting to get a better understanding of how to plan and complete retrospective registry studies. To this end, each of the subcommittee presentations will start with a Principal Investigator talking through a recent publication. We believe that this should help demystify the process and encourage more transplant fellows to become involved. Later in each session, the disease-specific leads will discuss ongoing and future registry studies.

This will be followed on Saturday, 30th January, by a comprehensive educational event which is open to all. The talks will range across the wide variety of haematological malignancies covered within the Chronic Malignancies Working Party including Plasma Cell Disorders, Myelofibrosis, Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. We are fortunate to be joined by international speakers such as Professor Jesus San Miguel, Professor of Medicine-Haematology and Head of Clinical and Translational Medicine at the University of Navarra, who will deliver a talk entitled “Optimize treatment for transplant candidate Myeloma patients” and Dr Jordan Gauthier, Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Oncology, University of Washington School of Medicine, who will provide an update on the use of CAR T cells in the treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.

We welcome all healthcare professionals to this meeting and would particularly like to invite colleagues from EBMT-affiliated centres who would be interested in joining the CMWP.


Patrick Hayden, CMWP Secretary

Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha, CMWP Chair  


The Scientific and the Educational Meetings are free registration and open to everyone interested.
Click on the buttons above if you would like to register.
The registration includes access to the live meeting.

Please note that you need to register separately for each meeting if you plan to attend both!

The CMWP Scientific Meeting registration will close on the 27th of January 2021 at 23:45h CET. 
The CMWP Educational Meeting registration will close on the 24th January 2021 at 23:45h CET.

Note for the Educational Meeting: most of the content will be available at the EBMT e-Learning platform where all EBMT members will be able to access. If you are not part of the EBMT yet, please consider becoming a member. For more information visit this page:


Certificate of Attendance

After the event, you will receive an email with a short survey to evaluate the course. After the survey is completed, you will be able to download the certificate of attendance.

If you have any questions, please contact

Please click the buttons above to see or download the Agenda for the Scientific Meeting and the programme for the Educational Meeting. 

We are pleased to announce that the CMWP Educational Course on the 30th of January will be accredited by the EBAH-CME credits system.

If you don’t have an EBAH-CME account, we recommend you create one by clicking here.


There are various opportunities to support this meeting. For more information please send an email to to indicate your interest.