Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The 3rd edition of the European CAR T-cell Meeting will come to you in 2021 in a different format, as we all adapt to the rapidly changing environment that results from the COVID-19 pandemics developments. For the safety of our delegates, speakers and sponsors, we made the decision to hold a fully virtual meeting this coming year. However, we will not alter the recipe that made the first two editions large successes: excellence in science and education, accounting for the diversity of our audience, and opportunities for networking. This is made possible through the continuous collaboration of two of the most active professional associations in the field of haematology: EBMT, and the European Haematology Association, EHA. This year, we have established a scientific programme committee that brings again together European experts in the field; the aim is that the meeting reflects on ongoing and rising preclinical and clinical activities in Europe, at the moment when more than 1.000 patients treated with CAR T-Cells have been registered with the EBMT Registry, and when the field expects that CAR T-Cells for the treatment of multiple myeloma will soon reach the market and complement already approved or near-approved CAR T-Cells for the treatment of lymphoma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
The programme will again include a series of keynote lectures from world-renowned leaders in the field of Immune Effector Cells based therapies, who will present their most recent work and describe the expected developments in the near future. It will also include scientific sessions that will explore in detail current and future indications, as well as technological developments in terms of new targets, improved efficacy and safety profiles, combination therapies, biological monitoring of treated patients. Parallel educational sessions will be tailored to the needs of various categories of healthcare professionals including nurses, pharmacists, data managers and physicians.
The format of the sessions will be designed in such a way to allow for lively interactions between speakers, chairs and the audience; sufficient time will be provided for delegates to participate in the Q&A final slot in every session, and we expect that the virtual format will encourage junior delegates to actively participate.
Although the congress organization will not allow us to offer and share coffee and food during breaks, we still intend to create the friendly atmosphere that was a hallmark of the first two editions and provide the environment that helps create new interactions and collaborative projects. Last but not least, EBMT and EHA wish to promote gender balance, ban any form of discrimination and attract young and talented investigators to the field; these values will be reflected in the programme.
We encourage you to attend what again promises to be the premier event in Europe in 2021 in the field of CAR T-Cells,
Christian Chabannon
Chair, EBMT Cellular Therapy & Immunobiology Working Party
Hermann Einsele
Chair, EHA-SWG on Immune Therapies for Hematologic Disorders
Scientific programme committee:
Chiara Bonini, Michael Hudecek, Arnon Nagler, Marion Subklewe, Claire Roddie, Ibrahim Yakoub-Agha
3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting, 4 - 6 February 2021
Please click the document above to download the preliminary Scientific Programme.
Registration for the 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting is closed.
Register before January 8, 2021 to benefit from the early bird fee. Please note that after January 31, 2021 it will no longer be possible to register for the meeting.
Registration fees

The registration fee includes:
- Access to the scientific and educational content.
- Access to the live sessions on the 4th, 5th,and 6th of February 2021.
- Virtual network opportunities in the platform with your peers and faculty.
- Digital meeting materials.
Please keep in mind that data managers, patients, patient advocates, nurses and students (medical residents are not considered to be students) will need to provide proof of their status, in the form of an ID or a letter from their institution during the registration.
Patient advocates should provide a screenshot of their membership.
(1) Member of EBMT and/or EHA. Only members who have paid their membership fee are eligible to receive the discounted registration fee. Check your EBMT membership by contacting membership@ebmt.org, or your EHA membership status by contacting membership@ehaweb.org.
(2) Junior EHA membership fee is only 20 Euro, click here for more information
(3) If you are not part of EBMT yet, please consider becoming a Member. For more information visit this page
GROUP registration
If you would like to register a group (10 or more persons), please fill in the group registration input sheet and send it to scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org
Press registration
Press accreditation and registration is required to attend this meeting. Press registration is free and includes complimentary meeting registration. If you wish to register, please send an email to communication@ehaweb.org and/or communications@ebmt.org with:
- a copy of your press credentials,
- a letter of assignment from the media organization being represented,
- two bylined medical/health/science articles published within the last 6 months.
Your credentials will be checked and when approved, you will receive a confirmation.
Please check the Media and Embargo Policy here.
Cancellation of registration
In the event of cancellation, a written notification must be sent by email to scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org. The following refund conditions shall apply:
- In case the cancellation is received by the organizers 30 days or more prior to the beginning of the meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (minus bank charges).
- In case the cancellation is received by the organizers between 15 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (minus bank charges).
- Cancellation notified less than 15 days prior to the beginning of the meeting will not be reimbursed.
Name changes
- Name changes are permitted up to 15 days before the start of the meeting. Please note that after that date a fee will be required to process the name changes.
The abstract submission is now closed.
Abstract submission is an important part of the 3rd European CAR T-cell Meeting. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to submit an abstract for this meeting.
All abstracts will be eligible for presentation at the meeting, either in an oral format or as an ePoster.
We would like to encourage especially young investigators to submit their abstracts for a chance to be featured in the main program!
Important deadlines -> Extended Deadline!

The abstracts will be reviewed and allocated by the Organizing Committee. Submitting authors will be informed about the allocation before the 16th of December 2020.
Please note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to attend the meeting (if the abstract is accepted) and if required present the abstract as an oral presentation or ePoster presentation in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee. Presenting authors of accepted abstracts will be allowed to register for the early registration fee, for which the details will be shared in the acceptance letter. All other authors wishing to attend the meeting should register before the 8th of January 2021 to make use of the early registration fee.
Select the topic that best fits your abstract from the list below:
1. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - Biology & Translational Research
2. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - Clinical
3. Acute myeloid leukaemia - Biology & Translational Research
4. Acute myeloid leukaemia - Clinical
5. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and related disorders - Biology & Translational Research
6. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and related disorders – Clinical
7. Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies - Biology & Translational Research
8. Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies - Clinical
9. Hodgkin lymphoma - Biology & Translational Research
10. Hodgkin lymphoma - Clinical
11. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Biology & Translational Research
12. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Clinical
13. Gene therapy, cellular immunotherapy, and vaccination - Biology & Translational Research
14. Gene therapy, cellular immunotherapy, and vaccination - Clinical
15. Clinical implementation of CAR T therapies
16. Solid tumours
17. Autoimmune disorders and other non-malignant disorders
18. Complications of immune effector cell therapies
19. Social sciences
20. Regulatory aspects
21. Other
For any questions regarding the abstract submission process, please contact education.events@ebmt.org.
The abstract submission is now closed.
The European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association are pleased to announce the 1st Emerging Investigators EHA-EBMT Joint Fellowship Award in the Field of Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy.
Capitalizing on the success of the 1st and 2nd editions of the Joint EBMT-EHA EU Meeting on CAR T-Cells held in Paris, France in February 2019 and Sitges, Spain 2020, the two professional associations will team up again in 2021 to bring the 3rd edition of the same meeting as a completely virtual edition. The meeting will again bring together prestigious keynote lecturers from the USA, China and Europe, senior and junior investigators interested in preclinical and clinical development of this new class of innovative therapies, all categories of healthcare professionals involved in the safe administration and delivery of CAR-T cells, and representatives of all stakeholders including patients advocates and representatives. The meeting is meant to foster interactions among delegates, and favour the development of collaborative projects across Europe and with investigators from other parts of the world.
During the meeting, EBMT and EHA will for the first time jointly award a 30,000 € prize to support an emerging research group involved in the preclinical or clinical development of CAR T-Cell therapies or IEC based therapies at large. The awardee will be selected among abstract submitters who have indicated their interest in applying for the award, and will be selected for an oral presentation during one of the two flash-talk sessions.
The winner will be requested to send a report on the status and progress of the project for the 4th CART meeting in 2022 (extended abstract).
The Award can only be used for the professional support of the research group as such. Personal allowances are excluded
How to Apply
Through the abstract submission platform here.
If the abstract submitter is interested in applying for the award, they would need to check yes when asked “Do you wish to be considered for the Emerging Investigators EHA-EBMT Joint Fellowship Award in the Field of Cell Therapy and Immunotherapy 2021?”,
Following the abstract review, there will be a pre-selection of the best scored abstracts that have indicated that they are interested in applying for the award.
EBMT office will then contact the pre-selected abstract authors by 14 December 2020, and request that they submit the following accompanying documentation to apply for the award:
- Name, address, affiliation of the research group / team / lab
- Principal Investigator’s CV.
- Motivation letter (minimum 200 words).
- List of the most important publications.
- Synopsis of the research project (maximum 1000 words).
Application Deadline
First deadline to indicate interest in applying: 22nd November 2020 23:59 CET
(must be done at the time of abstract submission, in the submission platform)
Second deadline to submit accompanying documents: January 3, 2021 23:59 CET
For any questions, please contact: education.events@ebmt.org or scientificmeetings@ehaweb.org
We are pleased to announce that this educational course will be accredited by the EBAH-CME credits system.
In order to collect your EBAH-CME credits, we recommend you to create a EBAH-CME account by clicking on the following link. By registering to the EBAH-CME website, you'll have access to the record of other events you have already been accredited for. After the meeting, an updated attendance list will be uploaded to the EBAH-CME website.
If you already have an account, register yourself to the event with the same email address, you will receive an email to evaluate the course and claim your points. If after 15 days you have not received an email regarding your credits, please contact the EBMT Educational Unit at education.events@ebmt.org
Supreme Partner

Major Partner

There are various opportunities to support this educational course. For more information, please send an email to fundraising@ebmt.org to indicate your interest.