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Harmonisation of definitions in the field of Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy


EBMT together with ASTCT, CIBMTR and APBMT has created an international collaboration, the purpose of which is to harmonise and update current definitions in the field of SCT and CT to have a uniform language across the continents. Harmonisation of definitions is crucial for a collaborative work and data sharing between registries.

The harmonisation of definitions founding members are:

  • Nicolaus Kröger on behalf of the EBMT
  • Robert Soiffer on behalf of the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)
  • Pavan Reddy on behalf of the American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) 
  • Shinichiro Okamoto on behalf of the Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (APBMT)

The EBMT steering committee representatives are Nicolaus Kröger and Per Ljungman. the project Manager is Isabel Sánchez-Ortega (EBMT Medical Officer).

The harmonisation of definitions steering committee has initially selected four terms for harmonisation and a subcommittee expert panel for each term.

The selected terms and the respective EBMT expert panel members are:

  • Graft Failure: Anna Sureda and Johannes Schetelig.
  • Reduced-intensity conditioning: Avichai Shimoni, Marie Robin and Andrea Bacigalupo.
  • Thrombotic microangiopathy: Enric Carreras and Ivan Moiseev.
  • AML Relapse: Gesine Bug, Eolia Brissot and Frederic Baron.

The expert panel members will address the key term questions based on the available evidence and on their knowledge to reach a consensus, publish the results in a manuscript and communicate them within the scientific community.