I continue to be pleasantly surprised how exciting and vibrant a virtual meeting can be. Listening and looking over these four days together, some 5,000 registered delegates have been able to enjoy 187 sessions including 120 live sessions, with more than 600 presentations about the latest scientific achievements and the most up-to-date educational lectures by leaders in our field.
It is so impressive to see how resilient our members behave in these pandemic times by moving the field optimisticaly forward, despite all the current hurdles to improve caring and outcome of our patients. I have seen this spirit in all sessions that I could attend from Patient, Family and Donor Day, Patient Advocacy Sessions, Psy and Pharmacist Days, in our Plenaries and Joint Sessions, Educational Sessions and Workshops but also at the Transplant and Search Coordinator Day, the Cell Therapy Day and the Paediatric Day.
I am proud of EBMT - to see how this society, its members, the organising committee and staff members have mastered this unique challenge of moving our meeting completely online.
My warmest congratulations go to our newly elected leaders! EBMT members have voted for more female leadership in our society. Anna Sureda is now our President-Elect and Zinaida Peric and Benedicte Neven are the Working Party Chairs for Transplant Complication and Inborn errors, respectively.
However, despite the sucess of the virtual meeting , we all hope that vaccination will accelerate and we can see and meet again in person at next year’s annual meeting in Prague. Thank you to all our delegates and I hope you enjoyed the congress as much as I have.