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Changes to JACIE National Representatives

JACIE Committee
Inspector Committee
Accreditation Committee
Quality Managers Committee

JACIE is represented at the national level by the National Representatives selected by the National Societies for transplantation, haematology or other related discipline. The National Representatives are the principal point of contact with the JACIE Office on all matters related to JACIE in their countries. They can provide guidance and support to transplant programmes applying for JACIE Accreditation; but conversely, they feedback to JACIE on any changes in their countries that might have an impact on JACIE Accreditation or FACT-JACIE Standards.

Recently there have been some changes to the National Representatives as listed below:


Dr Mervi Taskinen has handed over the role of the National Representative in August as she moved to a senior role in the Helsinki University Hospital. Dr Taskinen is followed by Dr Samppa Ryhanen, who was appointed as the Chief Physician at Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri - Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa in August 2022.


Dr Hrubisko has stepped down from his role as the National Representative for Slovakia following his retirement in August 2022. The post is currently vacant whilst the National Society is appointing his successor.

United Kingdom

Dr Orchard, the National Representative for the UK stepped down following his retirement summer 2022. The appointment for Dr Orchard's replacement will be managed by the BSBMTCT (British Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy).

We want to acknowledge and say a huge thank you to Dr Taskinen, Dr Hrubisko and Dr Orchard who have been tireless champions of JACIE in their respective countries over a number of years. They have been a vital part in developing JACIE presence in their countries and vital in recruiting and supporting Accredited Centres and Inspectors in their countries. We wish Dr Taskinen all the very best with her new role in Helsinki and Dr Hrubisko and Dr Orchard happy retirement as they are scaling down their clinical roles.