EBMT Organization

In 2025, there will be an open position within the Executive Committee for the role of EBMT President.
If you are interested in applying, please submit the following documents via email to Lissa Perteghella at lissa.perteghella@ebmt.org before 14 October 2024:
- 10 nomination forms signed by full member centres (one vote per centre)
- CV, including a list of relevant publications
- Motivation letter
- EBMT CIC number
For the nomination form and job description, please contact Lissa Perteghella at lissa.perteghella@ebmt.org.
All valid candidates who submit the required documents will be reviewed during the next EBMT Board Meeting in October 2024. Once endorsed, voting will take place online two weeks before the 51st Annual Meeting of EBMT in Florence, 2025. The newly elected President-Elect will officially begin their role following the announcement at the General Assembly.