If you are an EBMT Member and you need to make a change to your information, please login to the EBMT Members Area. Kindly note that any changes to a centre can only be made by the Principal Investigator (PI) of the CIC.
If your change does not correspond to any of the scenarios listed below, or if you have a question or query regarding the membership fees invoices or payments, please contact membership@ebmt.org.
Instructions for making changes
Change and update the contact details of your CIC
If you wish to make any changes to your centre, the Principal Investigator will need to login to the EBMT Members Area. Any necessary changes can be made on the Update Centre Details page or the Update Team Members page.
Add or delete members from your CIC
If you wish to add or delete members from your centre, the Principal Investigator will need to login to the EBMT Members Area. Please follow the instructions below:
- Log in to the EBMT Members Area.
- Navigate to the Update Team Members page.
- To add a new member: Select Add new member, and fill out their information.
- To edit an existing member: Select Edit an existing member, then select the person you would like to edit.
- Update the status of each team member by selecting either Active or Inactive. When a team member has an inactive status, they are no longer part of the team. These inactive members will still show up in the overview, in case you need to reactivate them in the future.
Create a new team in your CIC
If you wish to add or delete members from your centre, the Principal Investigator will need to login to the EBMT Members Area. Please follow the instructions below:
- Access the Update Team Members Page
- Locate the Team Member Number field, which is used to assign team members to different teams.
- Assign team members to a new team:
To create a new team, assign the selected team members to a new team member number. For example:
- Team 1: Assign team members to team member number 1.
- Team 2: Assign different team members to team member number 2.
Change the Principal Investigator of a Centre
If you wish to change the PI of your centre, the current Principal Investigator will need to login to the EBMT Members Area. Please follow the instructions below:
- Log in to the EBMT Members Area.
- Go to the Update Team Members page.
- Add the New PI:
- Select Add new member.
- Enter the details for the new PI. The new PI will automatically be set to inactive.
After the membership team has approved of the change, the previous PI will be set as inactive and the new PI will be activated. To keep the previous PI listed as a physician, please change their role to physician, and change their status to active again.
In case it is not possible for the previous PI to login anymore, please inform Membership at membership@ebmt.org.