Due to popular demand it is no longer possible to attend the meeting in person.
Please press the button above to register.
For any other enquires please do not hesitate to contact us.
General Information
The recent approval of the first CAR T cell treatments in Europe presents a great opportunity to fight haematological malignancies, but also poses serious challenges given the peculiar nature of the treatment. Patients, physicians, nurses, hospitals and whole health systems need to learn how to select the right treatments, handle specific toxicities, organise treatment units and cope with the increasing costs connected with CAR T therapy.
This meeting provides the ideal context to meet these learning objectives, with speakers that will share first-hand experience, including presenters from the US that pioneered the field. The program will include a comprehensive outlook on the current research efforts to increase CAR T cell therapies efficacy and targets, with input from basic researchers as well as representatives from the industry.
Here you can find key information and links to important details regarding registration and accommodation. There is also a wide array of sponsorship opportunities available for pharmaceutical companies.
We look forward to seeing you in Paris!
Chairs: C Chabannon, H Einsele
Co-chair: M Hudecek
Target audience
The target audience is haematologists, oncologists, physicians, nurses, data managers, supply chain managers and patient organisation representatives.
Learning Objectives
After attending this meeting, you should be able to:
- select patients for currently approved CAR T therapies,
- recognise and manage toxicities related to CAR T therapies,
- review therapeutic areas where new CAR T therapies are being tested,
- describe the requirements for manufacturing and administering CAR T cells, and
- highlight novel targets and technologies for the next generation of CAR T.
Key Dates
- 10 January 2019 (23:59 CET): NEW Abstract submission deadline
- 17 January 2019: Notification of allocation to authors
- 15 January 2019: Early registration fee deadline
- 08 February 2019 (23:59 CET): Online registration closes
- 14-16 February 2019: 1st European CAR T Cell Meeting
Please download the Preliminary Scientific Programme
This meeting will cover the following topics:
- Pre-clinical pipeline: novel CAR technologies and targets
- CAR T therapies currently tested and used in the clinics
- Safety/clinical management of CAR T patients
- Optimal patient selection for treatment with CAR T
- Industry perspective and hospital perspective in manufacturing and administering CAR T
- Practical solutions in handling of apheresis and clinical application of CAR T cells
- Nurses training
- Regulatory aspects, health economics and reimbursement for CAR T
- Centre Qualification, documentation and implementation of a quality management system
Abstract submission is officially closed.
Abstract submission is an important part of the 1st European CAR T Cell Meeting. As a participant you will have the opportunity to submit an abstract for this meeting, and (if accepted) have the possibility to discuss it with the international faculty and your peers.
A selection of abstracts will be eligible for acceptance during the meeting, the presentation format will be in the form of oral presentations or poster presentations. Presenting authors will receive a separate invitation.
Key Dates
- 10 January 2019 (23:59 CET): NEW Abstract submission deadline
- 17 January 2019: Notification of allocation to authors
You can submit an abstract on one of the following topics:
CAR-based therapeutic approaches for:
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - Biology & Translational Research
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia - Clinical
- Acute myeloid leukemia - Biology & Translational Research
- Acute myeloid leukemia - Clinical
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and related disorders - Biology & Translational Research
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and related disorders – Clinical
- Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies - Biology & Translational Research
- Myeloma and other monoclonal gammopathies - Clinical
- Hodgkin lymphoma - Biology & Translational Research
- Hodgkin lymphoma - Clinical
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Biology & Translational Research
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma - Clinical
- Gene therapy, cellular immunotherapy and vaccination - Biology & Translational Research
- Gene therapy, cellular immunotherapy and vaccination - Clinical
- Clinical implementation of CAR T therapies
The abstracts will be reviewed and allocated by the Organising Committee. Submitting authors will be informed about the allocation before December 21, 2018.
Please note that the submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to attend the meeting (if the abstract is accepted) and if required present the abstract as an oral presentation or poster presentation in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee. We therefore recommend that presenting authors of abstracts register for the meeting simultaneously with abstract submission.
Should you have any questions, please contact here.
The 1st European CAR T Cell Meeting will be held at the Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel Hotel, strategically located in the heart of the French capital.
61 quai de Grenelle | 75015 PARIS, France
Telephone: (+33)1/40582000
Paris, a legendary city, has inspired artists, photographers and musicians throughout the ages. Victor Hugo described working-class Paris in Les Misérables; Apollinaire immortalized the Mirabeau bridge in his poem and Joe Dassin composed a song titled ‘Les Champs Elysées’.
Paris is situated at the heart of Europe, is easy to get to, with 2 international airports: Paris Charles-de-Gaulle (23 km to the north) and Paris Orly (14 km to the south) connecting the French capital to 557 cities in 132 countries.
How To Arrive
The hotel is accessible by Charles Michels metro station (Line 10) or by Bir Hakeim metro station (line 6), as well as by Gare de Javel RER Station (RER C). Enjoy the walk along the Seine, the boat public transport station is at walking distance from the hotel.
NB: The hotel is equipped with a parking garage with charge.
The Novotel Paris Centre Tour Eiffel is just a 20-minute walk from the Eiffel Tower. Pont Mirabeau, Bir Hakeim and Charles Michels metro lines, as well as Maison de la Radio, are a 10-minute walk from the hotel.
The nearest metro stop: Charles Michels (line 10) / Bir – Hakeim (line 6)
The nearest RER stop: Javel (RER C)
From Charles de Gaulle International Airport:
The fastest way to arrive to the venue is by taxi, (37km) 40 minutes depending on the traffic.
By public transportation you must go to Terminal 2 and take the RER B to Gare de Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse to Denfert-Rochereau-Metro-RER and take line 6 until Bir-Hakeim stop. It will take around 1 hour and 15 minutes.
From Orly International Airport:
The fastest way to arrive to the venue is by taxi, (18km) 25 minutes depending on the traffic.
By public transportation you can take the Orly Bus to Denfert-Rochereau-Metro-RER and take line 6 until Bir-Hakeim stop. It will take around 1 hour.
Attendees of the meeting are offered special reduced room rates at the Novotel Eiffel Tower, the meeting venue. Details of how to book your room are included in the registration confirmation which you will receive upon completing your registration.
Participants will be responsible for covering their travel and accommodation costs.
Alternatively, you can check more options or booking.com.
Due to popular demand it is no longer possible to attend the meeting in person.
EBMT and EHA are providing a live streaming service for individuals interested in the meeting.
Please press the button above to register.
For any other enquires please do not hesitate to contact us.
Individual registration
The registration fee includes:
- Access to the scientific and educational sessions of the meeting
- Meeting materials
- Coffee/tea breaks on 14, 15 and 16 February.
Registration type
- Member (EBMT or EHA)*: 350€
- Non-Member**: 425€
- Live streaming: 50€
Nurses, University Students and Data Managers have a special fee of 50€ (accreditation required).
Early fee (until January 15, 2019; 23:59 CET): 25€ discount
*If you are a member of EBMT, check your status by sending an email to education.events@ebmt.org. Check your EHA membership status by sending an e-mail here. Junior EHA membership fee is only 20 Euro, click here for more information.
**Only members who have paid their membership fee are eligible to receive the discounted registration fee.
Group registration
If you would like to register a group (10 or more persons), please contact here.
Cancellation of registration
In the event of cancellation, a written notification must be sent by email here. The following refund conditions shall apply:
- In case the cancellation is received by the organizers 30 days or more prior to the beginning of the Meeting, your registration fee will be reimbursed in full (minus bank charges).
- In case the cancellation is received by the organizers between 15 and 30 days prior to the beginning of the Meeting, 50% of the registration fee will be reimbursed (minus bank charges).
- Cancellations notified less than 15 days prior to the beginning of the Meeting will not be reimbursed.
The European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the European Hematology Association (EHA) invite you to support the 1st European CAR T Cell Meeting.
This meeting enables the industry to network with delegates, demonstrate their products and present their latest material and findings while offering training and interactive sessions to participants.
EBMT and EHA are pleased to offer sponsorship opportunities and recognise the support and excellence in the field in a number of ways. To contribute to the sharing of knowledge through this meeting and meet the clinicians and physician scientists of the discipline, you can choose from the following support opportunities:
- Pre-defined sponsor packages with a balanced range of brand visibility and complimentary items.
- Support for individual items such as satellite symposia, or advertisements.
For more information about the meeting, or to request the full sponsorship prospectus, please contact fundraising@ebmt.org (EBMT Executive Office) or sponsorship@ehaweb.org (EHA Executive Office).