EBMT and JACIE announces a new, e-learning course for centres who are starting, or already on, their JACIE accreditation journey - whether this be for the first or fifth time.
What is JACIE?
EBMT established JACIE in 1998 as Europe's only official accreditation body in the field of haematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) and cellular therapy. JACIE is the result of international collaboration among cellular therapy professionals. This peer-review approach, based on a philosophy of support and facilitation, allows for an understanding of what centres need to help them through the accreditation process. This knowledge and experience have been used to help create a new, online, easy access, accreditation preparation course which aims to help all staff working in centres feel more confident in preparing for and undergoing the JACIE Inspection.
How is the new JACIE Accreditation e-course for Centres structured?
This course aims to help all staff working in centres feel more confident in preparing for and undergoing the JACIE Inspection by addressing many of the frequently asked questions. The modules present information in a variety of formats, including presentations from experienced JACIE Quality Management Committee members as well as JACIE Accreditation Coordinators. Overall, the course information is presented in four separate online modules (pre-inspection, inspection, post-inspection, after accreditation) which are available to work through anytime and as many times as needed.
The goal of this e-learning course is to provide comprehensive information about the accreditation process in an engaging and easy access format. EBMT aims to reach out to the HCT community to help make the accreditation process as smooth as possible.
Who is the course for?
JACIE understands the team approach in preparing for an inspection and so have ensured that this free course is open to all, from the Programme Director, doctors, nurses, and quality managers, to the collection and processing teams. It is also a great resource to help an HCT programme explain to hospital administrators what is involved in the accreditation journey and understand the requirements of the Standards and how they support the day-to-day work in the transplant programme.
How can I get started?
Click the button below which will take you to the course's webpage. From there you can click to access the EBMT e-learning platform and tutorials on how to create an account and/or login.