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Meet Julia Ruiz, new Chair of the Nurses Group Global Education Commitee

Nurses Group
Nursing Global Education Committee

"Hello, I am Julia Ruiz, member of the EBMT NG and since 2018 member of the NG Global Educational Committee (GEC). I have great interest in global educational activities and a global networking.

First of all, I would like to thank my partner and friend, Eugenia Trigoso, that is now leaving the position of chair, but luckily not leaving the Global Educational Committee at the moment. The GEC, together with the other NG Committees, has achieved some really nice projects establishing global collaboration with India, Latin America, working on educational programs and strengthening local nurse leaders building solid BMT Nurses Groups becoming all part of a global community. Other interesting collaborations were the participation at the International Council of Nurses Congress in the session “Nurse education through innovation and collaboration” where the mission of the EBMT NG and how we gather nurses from across the world were discussed.

It is an honor for me to hold this new position as chair, and I would also like to thank the EBMT NG for the opportunity. I look forward to continuing working in line with the objectives of the committee and to have on board a new member soon and expand our activities.  

Among the ongoing projects, one is to support the East Forum Group and rebuild this group together with Polona Frelih, nurse leader from Slovenia. Two other interesting approaches are new collaborations with SSBMT (Saudi Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation) and with WBMT (Worldwide Network for Blood & Marrow Transplantation) as speakers at their annual meetings. SSBMT meeting will be held in June 2022 and WBMT meeting will be held in September 2022.

See you soon with new updates and hopefully new projects! For any questions don´t hesitate contacting."

Julia Ruiz - NG GEC Chair