Inspectors are the backbone of JACIE; without them, there is no accreditation process. Becoming an inspector is a wonderful way to contribute to maintaining global quality standards. As the number of JACIE applications has increased, we are constantly looking for new inspectors to join our ranks. At the moment, we are particularly keen to hear of German, French and Spanish speaking Clinicians and Quality Managers.
Each month, you will have the opportunity to meet with one of our JACIE Inspector who will share his/her experience.
Read our interview with Frédéric Bernard, Head of the paediatric pain and palliative care Unit in Montpellier, France.
Introduce yourself and your role(s) and position(s) within EBMT and outside of EBMT
I am paediatrician specialized in haematology and oncology. I am MD and PhD and I have also been involved in immunology. During more than 20 years I worked in a paediatric stem cell transplant. First in Montpellier then in Kuwait where I set up the stem cell transplant paediatric activity as director of the clinical part of the paediatric transplant program. Currently I am the head of the paediatric pain and palliative care unit in Montpellier (France).
Why did you decide to become a JACIE inspector?
I always thought that the implementation of quality procedures was a chance especially in stem cell transplant field. It is a chance for the teams giving clues for a better and more organized work. It is a chance for the patients of course to be sure to obtain the best care. Indeed, becoming a JACIE inspector was a personal challenge. A way to improve my daily practice and also to learn how to work better for and with others.
What has been the most memorable inspection that you have ever done?
Honestly, I have appreciated every inspection. Every inspection was unique. I always met amazing teams only involved in the search of better care for their patients. Quality process is a way to consider all the specificities and differences through a unique prism. These meetings mixing a deep humanity with a great professionalism and a high technicity amazed me every time. And enriched me.
What ‘keys to successful JACIE accreditation’ can you share with us?
Not so sure I got all « keys to successful JACIE accreditation ». Indeed, anticipation is necessary. An accreditation is not a last-minute event. Quality procedures must be worked, lived and assimilated before each inspection. If not, this is the first thing an inspector notice. You also need a true team spirit. It cannot be improvised. A work prepared in advance and team-backed is the secret of a successful accreditation.
How has your career/work benefited from being a JACIE inspector?
As I told you I became a JACIE inspector first for learning. Quality changed my professional life. Quality is not only writing or apply « sad and burdensome » procedures. It is a way to learn how to better work together and to take care of each other (team members and also patients). This alchemy is fascinating. It’s a way to constantly wonder on the meaning of your daily work. It changes in-depth and permanently your personal and professional commitments.
Do you have any tips or advice for anyone who aspires to become a JACIE Inspector?
Any advice or tips? You should be enthusiastic and tolerant. Efforts and hard work of inspected teams must be encouraged. Perfection is rare and that is not what is sought. An inspection is not performed to surprise or to draw up a long list of defects. It should consider and support the efforts made according to the required criteria. Humility and understanding are mostly required. Briefly to become a JACIE inspector is a sometimes-difficult adventure but so much rewarding. Don’t hesitate!