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Inspection at AP-HP Saint Antoine Hospital, Paris, France

JACIE Committee
Inspector Committee
Accreditation Committee
Quality Managers Committee

The inspection for the AP-HP Saint Antoine hospital in Paris, France was performed on 17-18 October 2023 by the following inspectors:

Clinical Adult & Immune Effector cell & Team Leader:  Cristina Castilla-Liorente 
Quality Manager
: Valérie Lapierre
Collection of Apheresis & Bone Marrow collection: Tuula Rintala
JACIE Trainee Quality Management: Grégory Elisabeth

By Grégory Elisabeth, Quality Manager in Oncology, Angers University Hospital, France.

How did the visit go as an observer?

Organisation is the key to success. I joined the audit program at the last minute, about four weeks before the inspection.

The lead up to the inspection

It was an easy process. I submitted my application to the JACIE office on the 19th of September for the Paris inspection, and 48 hours later, train tickets and hotel room were booked. At the same time, I had access to all records of this establishment.

48 hours before departure, stress builds!

I arrived the day before the inspection around 8:00pm at my hotel room. I then joined the team at the restaurant and they integrated me seamlessly as their equal.

The next day, we met in front of the Centre. We were welcomed in excellent condition, with always the feeling of benevolence. The first morning was very interesting and we found the clinical team very engaged in the program. We were able to see all the requested documentation and the professionals interviewed were completely transparent in their responses.  We continued the interviews in the afternoon. At the end of the first day, we continued our audit work until the early evening. Afterwards we went to an excellent restaurant recommended by the clinical director.

The second day allowed us to review the points left unanswered and explore others that we wanted to deepen. We were able to exchange views with each other on cross-cutting topics. When the time came to part ways, we had a feeling of belonging to a family united around a single goal – to develop effective communication, which is the basis of quality care. 

Thank you, to Paris for your welcome, to the JACIE office for your support, and to my fellow inspectors for your support, encouragement, and kindness.

JACIE Paris Inspection
Grégory Elisabeth (left) and Valérie Lapierre (right)