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Eva Johansson in memoriam

EBMT Organization
Nurses Group

It was with great sadness that the EBMT Nurses Group received the news that Eva had passed away on 18th November.

Eva took her RN exam in 1985. During the first two years after graduation she worked in Care of the Elderly, but after that she devoted her professional career to the field of haematology. In 2003 she took her PhD with a dissertation on how to reduce pain in patients with venous catheters. She had been an active member of the Nurses Group Research Committee since 2008 and was Chair of the committee until she started treatment for her condition in 2012.

She always showed wisdom and dedication in everything she was involved with - even during her periods of illness. At her passing she was working on the research article about Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections to be submitted. It was humbling to work with her; she was always very helpful and supportive. She was also a good researcher and established an agenda and a structure that has brought the work of the Research Committee forward in a way that has benefitted the whole Nurses Group. Moreover, she had a special aura about her, being a genuinely warm, good person. Even people that didn't know her very well felt her goodness. She will be sadly missed.