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Call for experts to participate in the preparation of the 9th edition, FACT-JACIE Standards

JACIE Committee
Inspector Committee
Accreditation Committee

The FACT-JACIE Standards are developed by an international group of experts in cellular therapy. The review process for the next edition (9th ed.) of the FACT-JACIE Standards will commence in early 2023.

A critical part of the process is undertaken by the sub-committees - Clinical, Collection, Processing, Quality Management, and Immune Effector Cells - whose task it is to review the current standards and propose updates, new standards and other changes. On each of the sub-committees JACIE aims to have 5 representatives alongside FACT, WMDA and NMDP representatives, ensuring a well-balanced, international mix of expertise.  

We are therefore launching a call for candidates to represent JACIE on the sub-committees.  This is an opportunity to help shape the next edition based on your expert knowledge and experience.  

Criteria for candidates:  

  • Have experience as a JACIE inspector (desirable to have performed 3 or more inspections but consideration will also be given to candidates with less experience who have personal hands-on experience of implementing JACIE in their own centre) 
  • The process is conducted in English so you should have the ability to understand and speak in this language with level B22 being recommended. 
  • Actively participate in the majority of teleconferences 
  • Be flexible in terms of the scheduling of the teleconferences 
  • Any experience in preparing consensus guidelines, standards or similar  

Candidates will also: 

  • Bring a critical, but practical perspective - point out issues or problems and propose solutions where possible 
  • Have an open mind and be able to think beyond practice in your own place of work – this is an international process based on consensus 
  • Keep in mind relevance to patient and donor care when including, amending or removing standards in order to improve the Standards and keep them relevant to modern cellular therapy 
  • Take responsibility for those standards assigned to you by the Co-Chairs and lead discussions with other committee members. This willThe  require some preparatory work outside the teleconferences.   

How to apply: 

Send an email to before 17:00 CET Friday, 25th November 2022 briefly stating your motivation, areas(s) of expertise and responding to the criteria for candidates listed above. The candidates will be appointed by the JACIE Committee and the Steering Committee Chair. Candidates will be notified of the decision in early January 2023.  

Description of the review process 

Each sub-committee is likely commencing the process in late January/early February 2023. The work is done remotely via email and teleconferences. Depending on the committee, this may be 1 or 2 calls per month of around 60 minutes each call.  

The times for the calls can vary, but bear in mind that it is common for the calls to be held in the afternoons and early evenings European-time to accommodate North American participants. The schedule is agreed by each sub-committee at the start of the process and every effort will be made to start teleconferences at reasonable times to suit all involved. 

All the sub-committee prepare a first draft of their respective Sections which are then combined and released for public consultation. The public consultation is a very important phase; therefore each sub-committee will be asked to evaluate all comments and proposals made during this process, which can lead to significant changes from the original draft.  

A second draft is prepared, which is then subject to approval by the Standards committee made up of the FACT and JACIE sub-committee co-chairs and the FACT-appointed Standards Committee Chair. This approved version is in turn send to the FACT Board and JACIE Committee for final acceptance after which it is published.  

The process is primarily supported and coordinated from the FACT office in Omaha, Nebraska, USA with additional support from the JACIE Office in Barcelona. 

All contributors are acknowledged in the text of the Standards. 

Any costs incurred by participants during participation will be underwritten by JACIE subject to prior approval.

For any further information, please contact Tuula Rintala, Director, Advocacy and Quality of Care: