All eligible to vote Principal Investigators (591) from EBMT full membership centres were invited to vote online for the nominated, endorsed and approved EBMT Secretary and Working Party Chair candidates for 2024, in addition to approving the activity reports (President, Secretary and Treasurer).
Voting took place online from Friday 5 April until Monday 15 April 2024.
169 ballots submitted of 591 eligible voters = 29% participation.
Please see the results of this online election below:
EBMT Secretary
EBMT Secretary - Raffaella Greco
Yes - I approve the candidate | 164 votes (99.39%) |
No - I reject the candidate | 1 vote (0.61%) |
Yes - I approve the candidate wins with 99.39% of the vote. (165 votes tallied and 4 abstentions) |
"It is a great honour and privilege for me to be elected as Secretary to the Executive Committee of EBMT. I’m highly motivated to contribute to the core activities of EBMT, fostering cross fertilisation, inclusion, innovation, promotion of knowledge, basic and clinical research, education, registry, guidelines, standardisation, quality control, and accreditation for transplant and cellular therapy procedures. Central mission is to save the lives of patients with blood cancers and other life-threatening diseases by advancing these fields worldwide through science, education and advocacy. These are all values in which I totally reflect myself and I am honoured to promote them in our community."
EBMT Working Party Chairs
EBMT Autoimmune Diseases Working Party Chair - Tobias Alexander
Yes - I approve the candidate | 148 votes (95.48%) |
No - I reject the candidate | 7 votes (4.52%) |
Yes - I approve the candidate wins with 95.48% of the vote. (155 votes tallied and 14 abstentions) |
"I am honoured to have been elected for the position of Chairperson of the ADWP. I am a rheumatologist at the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and I have been working as the ADWP Secretary for the past 8 years. With the recent introduction of CAR-T cell therapy and other targeted cellular therapies, a new era in the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases has begun. For our community of autoimmune disease experts, along with haematologists and clinical immunologists, the challenge now is to integrate these new therapeutic options into the changing landscape of autoimmune disease treatments. I am looking forward to driving forward, alongside colleagues and involvement of patients advocates and patient representatives, academic output from our working party. I am convinced that the resources of the ADWP and the EBMT overall, will be highly relevant to this evolution."
EBMT Infectious Diseases Working Party Chair - Dina Averbuch
Yes - I approve the candidate | 137 votes (95.80%) |
No - I reject the candidate | 6 votes (4.20%) |
Yes - I approve the candidate wins with 95.80% of the vote. (143 votes tallied and 26 abstentions) |
"Adequate diagnosis, prevention and management of transplant infectious complications is of paramount importance to improve patient outcome following hematopoietic cell transplantation or CAR-T therapy. In the IDWP we believe that our collaborative effort to study infections in HCT patients and to share experiences will enrich our knowledge in the field and help our patients."
EBMT Lymphoma Working Party Chair - Ali Bazarbachi
Yes - I approve the candidate | 153 votes (99.35%) |
No - I reject the candidate | 1 votes (0.65%) |
Yes - I approve the candidate wins with 99.35% of the vote. (154 votes tallied and 15 abstentions) |
"I am deeply honored to have been elected as the Chair of the EBMT Lymphoma Working Party (LWP). The LWP is one of the largest and most crucial working parties of EBMT, serving as one of its pillars. With your support and trust, I anticipate leading it and collaborating with all those who want to contribute to its success. The LWP will be open to all interested parties, and my mandate should not be perceived as an individual effort because achieving our goals requires a well-structured team effort."
EBMT Nurses Group
EBMT Nurses Group President - Hilda Mekelenkamp
Yes - I approve the candidate | 41 votes (97.62%) |
No - I reject the candidate | 1 votes (2.38%) |
Yes - I approve the candidate wins with 97.62% of the vote. (42 votes tallied and 3 abstentions) |
"It is an honour to have been elected as president-elect of the Nurses Group, and I am grateful for the trust. I will be eager to promote a supportive and collaborative environment within EBMT, specifically for the nursing community, where professionals and patients can share experiences and best practices to improve patient care continually. I envision an empowered, united nursing community at the forefront of advancing health care. Together, we can strengthen our professional roles, optimise care for patients with blood-related diseases, and promote positive changes in nursing practice."
EBMT Nurses Group Secretary - Elin Öfverberg
Yes - I approve the candidate | 41 votes (97.62%) |
No - I reject the candidate | 1 votes (2.38%) |
Yes - I approve the candidate wins with 97.62% of the vote. (42 votes tallied and 3 abstentions) |
"It is a great privilege to be the new EBMT Nurses Group Secretary. I have been following the Nurses Group’s work for many years before I became a part of the NG Global Education Committee in 2022. Now I am very excited to start a journey in my new role as NG Secretary.
I believe that the EBMT Nurses group is important for the strengthening of Nurses and nursing in the field of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant, and I am proud to be a part of the future work of this group. As a Pediatric Nurse from a country with a small population, I have learned that we need each other across Europe and beyond. We need to network and collaborate. We need each other moving forward, with strong teamwork and clear goals and with our patients as our number one focus."
EBMT Activity Reports and Bylaw Amendment
In addition to voting online for the nominated candidates, PIs were also asked to approve the President's, Secretary's and the Treasurer's reports and the Bylaw Amendment Approval of Articles 8, The Treasurer and 9, Working Parties, in advance of the Annual General Assembly Meeting 2024.
EBMT President's Activity Report 2023
Yes - I approve the President's Activity Report 2023 | 164 votes (99.39%) |
No - I reject the President's Activity Report 2023 | 1 vote (0.61%) |
Yes - I approve the President's Activity Report 2023 wins with 99.39% of the vote. (165 votes tallied and 4 abstentions) |
EBMT Treasurer's Annual Report for 2023
Yes - I approve the Treasurer's Annual Report for 2023 | 158 votes (99.37%) |
No - I reject the Treasurer's Annual Report for 2023 | 1 vote (0.63%) |
Yes - I approve the Treasurer's Annual Report for 2023 wins with 99.37% of the vote. (159 votes tallied and 10 abstentions) |
EBMT Secretary's Annual Report for 2023
Yes - I approve the Secretary's Annual Report for 2023 | 156 votes (98.11%) |
No - I reject the Secretary's Annual Report for 2023 | 3 votes (1.89%) |
Yes - I approve the Secretary's Annual Report for 2023 wins with 98.11% of the vote. (159 votes tallied and 10 abstentions) |
Bylaw Amendment Approval of Article 8
Yes - I approve the amendment | 156 votes (99.36%) |
No - I reject the amendment | 1 vote (0.64%) |
Yes - I approve the amendment wins with 99.36% of the vote. (157 votes tallied and 12 abstentions) |
Bylaw Amendment Approval of Article 9
Yes - I approve the amendment | 146 votes (92.41%) |
No - I reject the amendment | 12 votes (7.59%) |
Yes - I approve the amendment wins with 92.41% of the vote. (158 votes tallied and 11 abstentions) |
Outgoing Board Members
We would like to thank the following outgoing Board Members for their support and commitment to the Scientific Council and Board of Association during their mandates:
John Snowden, EBMT Secretary, Member of the EBMT Executive Committee and Member of the Board of Association 2020-2024.
Raffaella Greco, EBMT Autoimmune Diseases Working Party Chair from 2020-2024, Member of the Board of Association representing the Scientific Council with the Education Portfolio from 2022-2024, Practice Harmonisation Committee Vice-Chair.
Rafael de la Cámara, EBMT Infectious Diseases Working Party Chair from 2020-2024, Member of the Board of Association representing the Scientific Council with the Registry Portfolio from 2022-2024.
Bertram Glass, EBMT Lymphoma Working Party Chair from 2020-2024.
Daphna Hutt, EBMT Nurses Group Secretary from 2020-2024.