Welcome to The IEC Forum!
"I would like to invite nurses and AHPs working in the area of Immune Effector Cells to join the EBMT IEC forum.
We are all in the position to learn from each other in this rapidly evolving area of cellular therapy. I am looking forward to seeing the forum develop." - Ruth Clout, Cell Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party Nurse.
What is the aim of the forum?
The aim of the forum is to create a global support network for nurses and allied health professionals (AHPs) involved in the care of patients being treated or potentially being treated with Immune Effector Cell Therapy at all stages of the patient pathway. This will also include nurses and AHPs at referring centres and those with an interest in this area.
This will be a predominantly web-based resource with areas that are both publicly available and some password protected private sections to foster an open dialogue where nurses and AHPs can seek peer support in a less public environment.
What does the forum Include?
The forum is designed to be a space where professionals working in the space of IEC can form a community and have open dialogues about their practice.
To support this we have created forum spaces under a variety of topics, such as; referrals, toxicities, follow-up care, and late complications. Alongside these topics, members are encouraged to share and start their own discussions.
We hope this space will provide you with opportunities to connect with your colleagues from around the world, in a way you haven't been able to before.
The field is ever-changing, to support our members we will be providing relevant updates from The EBMT on the topic of Immune Effector Cells. These are all located in one space and are easily accessible for all members within the IEC Forum.
Finding relevant publications is time consuming, to remedy this we have created a space where you will have access to a continuously evolving list of recommended publications on the topic of Immune Effector Cells. We are constantly updating this list and hope it will be of use to you and your practice.
We encourage members to discuss their thoughts on these publications in the forum space.
We have included a space where you will be able to access a range of educational resources that our experts recommend for your professional development. Like all aspects of this forum, new and exciting resources will be added as the forum develops.
How do I access the E-learning Platform?
The IEC Forum is open to EBMT members and non-members on The EBMT E-learning Platform.
To access the forum you will need to enroll as a user, you can refer to the tutorials below for help in doing this.