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Observational Study in Multiple Sclerosis patients treated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell Transplantation (OMST)

Autoimmune Diseases Working Party (ADWP)
Numéro de l'étude:
Type de traitement:
Auto immune disorders
Titre court:
Objectif principal:
To gain further homogenous evidence for clinical efficacy of aHSCT in patients undergoing aHSCT for MS as primary indication.
Principaux critères d'inclusion:
• Diagnosis of MS according to McDonald’s criteria
• Availability of a detailed clinical history about MS, including progression of disability and relapse rate in the previous 2 years, treatments administered before aHSCT, and categorization of the sub-types of MS according to current EBMT guidelines20
o Highly active relapsing remitting MS failing DMTs
o Progressive MS with active inflammatory component. In accordance with the EBMT guidelines, this category includes both secondary and primary progressive MS with active inflammatory component.
o Aggressive (malignant) MS not previously treated with a full course of DMT
• Patients aged 18 or over at time of first aHSCT
• Signed informed consent
Investigateur principal:
Riccardo Saccardi
Coordinateur EBMT de l'étude:
Manuela Badoglio
E-mail du coordinateur de l'étude: