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Days remaining until Abstract Submission closes








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Abstract submission opens: 2 September 2024

Abstract submission deadline: 15 December 2024


Visit these pages to discover everything you need to know for Physicians, Nurses, Data Management, Statistics, Quality Management, Psychological Issues, Pharmacology, and Patient Advocacy abstracts. 

Why submit an abstract?

Accepted abstracts benefit from high visibility before, during, and after the Annual Meeting of the EBMT, as well as providing myriad advantages such as:

  • Present your work to a large panel of international experts in the field and get recognition for your active contribution to your community.

  • Get selected for an oral presentation at one of the 21 Oral Sessions, or be chosen to present a printed poster* at the Poster Sessions on Monday and Tuesday afternoon.

  • Win a free registration to attend the in-person 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT. 

  • Apply for an EBMT Travel Grant to cover the costs of your in-person attendance.

  • Get the opportunity to win one of EBMT’s prestigious awards.

  • Get your abstract published in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Journal.

*The top-scored posters will be presented as printed posters, and all posters will be available to view as ePosters in the in-person ePoster stations and on the virtual platform.