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Contest Session

The EBMT is pleased to offer the second edition of the EBMT Contest to actively promote dialogue and information exchange on more philosophical topics related to HCT and Cellular Therapy.

The five best essays will be selected and presented in-person at the 51st Annual Meeting of the EBMT in Florence on 30 March - 2 April 2025.

The presentations will be judged on the quality and originality of their content, presentation skills, and response to questions. The chairs of the session in conjunction with the audience will decide the winner on-site in Glasgow.

The EBMT Contest session is open to all congress participants: Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacists, Psychologists, and other healthcare professionals at any career stage.


Machine Dreams: How can AI shape hematology now and in the future 


The finalists of the session will receive full free registration to the congress. The winner of the Contest will also receive coverage for the congress travel and accommodation expenses.

Watch the short video about the first Contest Session during the 50th Annual Meeting of the EBMT in Glasgow:

Submission opens: 2 September 2024

Essay submission deadline: 15 December 2024

Finalists’ notifications: 7 February 2025

Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your essay:

  • It is a process similar to the abstract submission process, however, to differentiate, we will call the works related to the Contest: essays. 

  • Essay must be submitted online through the official essay submission system (opens in September 2024).

  • Submission by fax, e-mail, or courier will not be accepted.

  • Essays must describe original work.

  • Please create a user account in order to submit an essay. The account only needs to be created once and can be re-used for additional abstract/essay submissions.

  • There should be just one author.  

  • Total length of the essay must not exceed 500 words. 

  • The body of the essay does not need to be structured.

    1. Image/Graph and/or Table (optional)

      1 Image may be included with the following criteria:
      Maximum file size 500 kilobytes and a maximum of 600 x 800 pixels. Allowed file types: .gif, .jpg, .png. If your file size or pixel size is too large, you have to resize your graph accordingly.

      1 Table may be included with the following criteria:
      Maximum number of rows: 20, Maximum number of columns: 20
      The table tag or graph tag must be in an editable format and placed into the essay text to include the table or graph into your publication. The table content does not count against the total word count. 

    2. Conflict of Interest: if the author has nothing to declare - please type "Nothing to declare". If there is a need to declare, kindly add the disclosures.

  • Use standard abbreviations where appropriate. Include any other abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears.

  • Affiliation should be specified. Affiliations should include institution/hospital name, and the location (city, state or province, country). Do NOT include department, faculty, or unit names.

  • Trademarks: If brand names and trademarks are included, it is required that the appropriate corresponding symbols are used consistently, as well as, any potential conflicts of interests clearly stated.

  • You must complete all the online stages of the essay submission. Incomplete essays will not be reviewed.

  • Note that the curriculum vitae of the author is mandatory. 

  • After completing your essay submission you will receive a confirmation email with an essay number. Please save this email for your personal record.

  • Essays can only be submitted in English. EBMT will not translate essays. We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their essays checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission.

  • EBMT is not responsible for errors in the essay submission. It is important that you read your text to ensure accuracy with no spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections will be accepted after the abstract submission deadline and the abstract will be published exactly as submitted.

Essay Modification

  • Essays can be saved as a draft to be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline. Minor edits can also be made to a submitted essay until the submission deadline.


  • Submission of an essay constitutes a formal commitment by the author to attend the Congress and present the essay (if accepted) orally in the Contest session and at the time assigned by the Scientific Program Committee.


  • Authors retain copyright and are free to reuse their own work with full citation to the original published work.

  • All material should be original and not previously published. If a table or figure has been published before, the author must obtain written permission to reproduce the material in both print and electronic formats from the copyright owner. This rule applies for data, quoted text, illustrations, and other materials taken from previously published works not in the public domain. The original source must be cited in the figure caption or table footnote.

Encore Essays

  • The submission of encore essays is permitted and it should be indicated on the submission form. 

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

  • We request all presenters to cooperate by declaring any potential conflict of interest on their slides.


  • Each essay author agrees and certifies that they: read all of the instructions above and the additional guidelines and agree to be bound by them; and waives any and all claims against the EBMT and any reviewer arising out of or relating to the essay submission and review process, including but not limited to peer review and the grading of essays.

For any questions, please contact

Presenting Author 

  • Only one author is allowed per essay. In the event of being selected as a finalist, the author should be the one presenting the essay in the Contest session. If the author cannot attend in-person, the essay will be discarded and another finalist will be selected. 

Withdrawal of an Essay

  • Withdrawal request should be sent to before March 1, 2025. The submitter must clearly explain the reason for withdrawal.

  • Failure to present an essay at the congress may lead to systematically rejecting your submission for future Annual Meetings.

Essay Review Process

  • Essays will be subjected to a single-blind review process by the Annual Meeting scientific local organising committee.

Acceptance/Rejection Notification

  • Only finalist authors will be notified by e-mail if their essay has been accepted. The date, time, and type of their presentation will be confirmed.

  • The EBMT and the Scientific Programme Committee do not correspond on the reasons for acceptance/rejection of an essay.

  • Instructions for the essay presentation preparation will be e-mailed in due course to the finalists presenting authors. 


  • The Contest session will be live-streamed for the virtual audience and also recorded.
  • The Contest session will be available for the attendees on the congress virtual platform for two months after the Annual Meeting dates. 

For any questions, please contact