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  • 1 Current: Institution
  • 2 Sponsorship and principal activity
  • 3 Principal investigator
  • 4 Commitment
  • 5 Complete

Please complete all the relevant fields below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk.

Sponsorship by two Full or Associate EBMT Members is required. If you are applying as an LMIC member and are unable to provide sponsorship details, please contact the membership department at and we will assist you with this.

You will receive an invoice from the Financial Department following acceptance of your application.


Are you appliying for LMIC Membership?
If you checked "Yes" above, you must submit proof of employment in an LMIC country. This is any document that proves you are living/working in that country and includes your photo, name, and home or work address (a residency card, work ID, etc.).
The list of LMIC countries can be consulted here
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
If you checked "Yes" above, you must submit proof of employment in an LMIC country. This is any document that proves you are living/working in that country and includes your photo, name, and home or work address (a residency card, work ID, etc.).
Select a file